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Repair & Enhancement

Let's face it, few of us can take the perfect picture.  In the days before exotic digital cameras we have all discovered, on getting our films processed, that we have over and under exposed or forgotten about that telephone pole behind your loved one's head!   Things are made worse by the passage of time. Wear and tear on prints, dust and hairs on slides and negatives can wreak havoc with your precious images.  Luckily, technology and a dose of skill and patience can rescue many situations.  All scans will automatically remove the most obvious dust marks but there are always the more difficult cases where human intervention is necessary.  By careful use of software tools I can cure many of these faults and often improve on the original (but I can't yet perform miracles).


Move cursor over any photograph to see enhancement:

Gang   Lunch
Old Photo   Iona
I am now able to offer a colourisation service bringing black & white photographs to life. Pricing depends on the complexity of the image.

Cute!   Cuter!
Cute!    Cuter! 



Please note that these are in addition to the basic scanning cost.


Colour & sharpness correction


+ hand correction of dust & hairs


+ hand correction of major flaws


Colourising   £5 - £20
Home Scanning Repair Sharing Slideshow